
Concentrated Powerful & Dynamic - this Veterinary Strength Formula was scientifically prepared with cutting edge ingredients for Maximum Digestive Support and Optimal Wellness.

Exclusive Microbials

BioEZ®-VF Advanced contains exclusive Microbial Probiotics and Proprietary Digestive Enzymes.   This product is able to convert an extraordinary amount nutrients - from feed and supplements - for Energy, Muscle, Recovery, Digestive and Overall Health.


Enzyme Mode of Action

  • Breakdown Feedstuffs and Supplements into smaller bits for Better Assimilation
  • Help ‘Condition’ Gut Wall for enhanced Nutrient Uptake
  • Liberate ‘peptides’ causing an Amino Acid release
  • Activate high quality plant protein for Muscle and Muscle Recovery
  • Provide Energy via hydrolyzing plant fiber substrate converting complex carbohydrates and starches to VFA to carry out metabolism.
  • Release and solubilize a plentiful source of Quality Minerals from plant cell walls for absorption and uptake
  • Inactivate Mycotoxins

Probiotic Mode of Action:

  • Improve Protein Absorption and Utilization, offering numerous health benefits, including digestive and immune health
  • Deliver anti-oxidants that maintain healthy cell membranes and accelerate recovery after exercise.
  • Supports healing of stomach lining and colonic ulceration by supplying nutrients to heal gastrointestinal tissues.
  • Stimulates enzymes that promote sugar and starch digestion in the foregut, thru reducing the risk of hindgut acidosis and upset caused by NSC’s that make it to the hindgut impacting microflora balance.
  • Exclusive microbials nurture and develop Healthy Larger Digestive Villi.... thus providing more surface area for greater Nutrient Absorption
  • Probiotics interaction with horse’s T-cells ( and B-Cells ) activate immune response to foreign antigen presences.
  • Assist in preventing certain types of inflammation in gut wall
  • Aids immune response by producing a massive amount of extracellular compounds ( colicins, bacteriocins, peptides ) that act as microbial pathogen inhibitors, and prevent proliferation.
  • Maintains normal GI tract environment, which may eliminate or reduce the severity and duration of acute and chronic diarrhea
  • Mitigates adhesion of pathogenic bacteria to intestinal walls, binding to them and help flush them harmlessly out thru the feces.
  • Sustains the growth and function of beneficial bacteria throughout the digestive system. 
  • Probiotic Microbials balance a complex hindgut microbiome, fostering a healthy gut wall surface area for maximum nutrient absorption. Live Yeasts re-establish Depleted Microflora population help balance fore and hindgut pH levels.
  • Bacillus coagulans
  • Bifidiobacterium thermophilum
  • Enterococus faecium
  • Propiobacterium shermanii
  • Lactobacillus plantarum
  • Lactobacillus acidophilus
  • Saccharomyces boulardii
  • Saccharomyces cerevasie
  • Fourteen Amplified Broad Spectrum Digestive Enzymes in: Acidic, Alkaline and Neutral enhance normal enzymatic activity improving the synthesis of starches and proteins and the digestion of soluble fats and fibers into smaller, more bioavailable bits.
  • Prebiotics – Nourish & Improve Probiotic Efficiencies- Support a Healthy GI tract from stomach to hindgut.
  • BioUptake™ Complex - Highly Bioavailable & Digestive Track Stable –Improves Global Nutrient Uptake and Overall Effectiveness of VF-Advanced BioEZ®
  • B-Vitamins 1,7, 9,12 – Improve Probiotic Function
  • Biotin – B7 – Enhances Enzyme Activity
  • L-Cystine– Enhances availability of Microbials
  • Phyto-Therapy Oils – Tackle Pathogenic Bacteria from a natural, safe ‘Plants as Medicine’ angle…. via exclusion and pili disruption. As a side benefit, Horse Love the aroma…. which Encourages consumption.